More Apple News+ Tidbits, The Incredible Shrinking Apple?, Apple's Fashion Presence

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • More Apple News+ Tidbits

  • The Incredible Shrinking Apple?

  • Apple's Fashion Presence

We begin today’s email with additional details behind Apple News+ including my thoughts on early News+ subscriber numbers. The discussion then turns to the New York Times opinion piece arguing that Apple is not placing big enough bets and is increasingly prioritizing monetizing existing users versus expanding the user base. There are a number of critical issues and errors found in the article. The email concludes with another look at Apple’s approach to fashion. The NYT’s fashion director and chief fashion critic, Vanessa Friedman, thinks Apple Watch plays a limited role in fashion while other Apple products have surprisingly come to play a bigger fashion role. We go over the glaring problem found in Friedman’s stance.

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