AirPods Are the Anti-Apple Watch, Mixed Signals for Early iPhone 7 Demand, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon stories: 

  • AirPods Are the Anti-Apple Watch
  • Mixed Signals for Early iPhone 7 Demand
  • Thursday Q&A

We begin today's update with a continuation of the discussion found in my "AirPods" article. Specifically, we go over my observations that Apple is using a completely different strategy in terms of unveiling and selling AirPods compared to the initial Apple Watch. The email then turns to T-Mobile and Sprint saying iPhone 7 demand is breaking records. There is evidence to suggest it is premature to draw conclusions about overall iPhone 7 demand from their announcements. We end the email with this week's installment of member Q&A where I answer the following question from an Above Avalon member: Why did Apple expand the number of iPhone launch countries when they are never able to meet demand at launch? 

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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