Apple Releases New Design Book, Nostalgia vs. Inspiration, This Is Jony's Apple

Today's Above Avalon stories: 

  • Apple Releases New Design Book
  • Nostalgia vs. Inspiration
  • This Is Jony's Apple

Today's update is dedicated to discussing Apple's new design book, "Designed by Apple in California." We begin by going over the book's details, including how Apple treated the book like any other Apple product. We then go over my thoughts and observations about Apple's motivation and reasoning for such a book. The discussion includes the debate as to whether such a book is a sign of Apple embracing nostalgia or rather a form of inspiration. We then go over why I think this book reinforces the theory that we are watching Jony's Apple take shape. The email concludes with a discussion as to how Jony is influencing Apple, why I suspect Jony wanted to publish this book now, and what the book tells us about Apple design's future.

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