The iPad's Software "Problem," Finding the iPad's Place in an iPhone World, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon stories: 

  • The iPad's Software "Problem"
  • Finding the iPad's Place in an iPhone World
  • Thursday Q&A

We begin today's email with my thoughts and observations on the idea that the iPad is being held back in some way due to lackluster software. We break apart the thesis, taking a look at where there are significant holes (and some valid points). The email then turns to a discussion of the much bigger problem facing iPad: finding its place in today's tech landscape. We end the email with the latest installment of member Q&A, and I answer the following questions from Above Avalon members: 

  • How do I envision cooperation between Nike and Apple in the future ?
  • What is the tax rate that Apple uses when calculating their earnings?
  • Why doesn't Fitbit lower its pricing and become more like Xiaomi? 

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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