Tim Cook Talks HomePod, The iPad as a Crossover Vehicle, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon email includes the following stories: 

  • Tim Cook Talks HomePod
  • The iPad as a Crossover Vehicle
  • Thursday Q&A

We kick off today's email with a closer look at Tim Cook's commentary regarding HomePod. He sat down for an interview with Bloomberg following the WWDC keynote. The discussion then turns to Apple SVPs Phil Schiller and Craig Federighi talking with BuzzFeed about the new iPad Pros. We go over their comments, as well as revisiting the car analogy used by Steve Jobs to describe the post-PC era. We look at why Apple thinks the iPad is more like a crossover vehicle. We end the email with the latest installment of member Q&A, and I answer the following questions from Above Avalon members: 

  • What are some examples of AR features that will be part of the iPhone's evolution?
  • If I were an Apple executive, what would I be most concerned about?
  • Will Apple allow custom Apple Watch faces?

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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