How the iPhone Changed Apple, Jony Ive Speaks at Norman Foster Forum, Apple Is a Toolmaker

Today's Above Avalon email includes the following stories: 

  • How the iPhone Changed Apple
  • Jony Ive Speaks at Norman Foster Forum
  • Apple Is a Toolmaker

We kick off today's email by continuing the discussion found in my latest weekly article, "iPhone Turns Ten." In particular, we focus on how the iPhone fits within Apple's broader product mission. We look at how the iPhone ends up defining three different product eras at Apple. The email then turns to my thoughts on Jony Ive's latest onstage interview at the Norman Foster Foundation Forum. We go over my notes from his talk and then take a deep dive into one of his answers. Jony considers Apple's existence as being driven by being a toolmaker for people. We look at the similarities and differences between this mission and that of Amazon. 

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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