Jony Ive on Human Connection, Jony’s Power Within Apple, Phil Schiller at Adobe MAX

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Jony Ive on Human Connection

  • Jony’s Power Within Apple

  • Phil Schiller at Adobe MAX

The email kicks off with my thoughts on Jony Ive’s talk at Wired’s 25th anniversary event in San Francisco. Jony was interviewed by Anna Wintour. The discussion then turns to Jony’s future at Apple and my stance on power within Apple. The email concludes with Photoshop coming to iPad Pro and Apple SVP Phil Schiller going on stage at Adobe MAX. Schiller had some interesting comments to say about the iPad’s role within Apple’s product line.

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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