Deep Dive into Apple’s iPhone Trade-In Promotion, Diagnosing an iPhone Problem, Apple Acquires Platoon for Apple Music 

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Deep Dive into Apple’s iPhone Trade-In Promotion

  • Diagnosing an iPhone Problem 

  • Apple Acquires Platoon for Apple Music 

We begin today’s update with a deep dive into Apple’s iPhone trade-in promotion. We go over Apple GiveBack’s background, then turn to financial implications found with the program, including how Apple is accounting for the program costs and promotions. The discussion also goes over my takeaways from analyzing Apple’s various trade-in promotions. The data caught me by surprise. We then look at what may be unfolding in the iPhone business to lead to these various promotions. The email concludes with why Apple bought Platoon and how the acquisition fits with Apple’s broader Apple Music strategy.

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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