Apple’s U.S. Manufacturing Mess, Thoughts on Apple Bringing Manufacturing Back to the U.S., Apple Signs Peanuts 

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Apple’s U.S. Manufacturing Mess

  • Thoughts on Apple Bringing Manufacturing Back to the U.S. 

  • Apple Signs Peanuts 

We kick off today’s email with Apple and manufacturing. The NYT recently published an article about Apple’s problematic past with building Macs in the U.S. We use the article as an opportunity to have a broader discussion about Apple’s current outsourcing strategy, which includes relying on contract manufacturers to assemble its products. We go over the three primary items Apple would need to address in order to have any chance of bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. The email concludes with my thoughts on Apple signing a deal to produce new Peanuts video content.

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