The Goldilocks Era for iPhone, Apple's Lack of iPhone Visibility, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • The Goldilocks Era for iPhone
  • Apple's Lack of iPhone Visibility
  • Thursday Q&A

We begin today's email by continuing the discussion kicked off in my article, "The Goldilocks Era for iPhone Has Begun." We specifically look at how this Goldilocks Era may be received on Wall Street. The discussion then turns to why I think Apple management has a credibility issue when it comes to talking about iPhone demand and the dynamic underpinning the iPhone upgrade cycle. The email concludes with the latest installment of Thursday Q&A. I answer the following questions from Above Avalon subscribers:

  • What does Apple management think AAPL shares are worth? What clues would suggest management thinks AAPL shares are fairly valued?
  • How likely is it for Apple to acquire Magic Leap or Snapchat?
  • Should Apple increase employee compensation in order to improve efficacy? How does Apple's share repurchase program impact employee wealth?
  • What are my predictions for the next MacBook refresh?
  • Why have reports about Apple Car subsided over the past year? 
  • Is it possible that Apple will do most of its autonomous driving research in China and not the U.S.?

This daily update is available for Above Avalon subscribers. To continue reading, click here.

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