Jony Ive's Odd Interview with Hodinkee, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Jony Ive's Odd Interview with Hodinkee
  • Thursday Q&A

Today's email begins with my thoughts on Jony Ive's interview with Hodinkee's Benjamin Clymer. The email then turns to the latest installment of Thursday Q&A. I answer the following questions from Above Avalon subscribers:

  • Why doesn't Apple fight back against questionable reporting and notorious leakers?
  • Why does Apple launch certain products at certain times of the year? 
  • Why doesn't Apple buy Qualcomm?
  • Do I think Apple is moving towards setting up a hardware / services subscription offering? 
  • Does Apple Music subscriber totals include individual listeners on family accounts? 
  • How did iPhone ASP decline so much in 2Q18 if iPhone X remained the best-selling iPhone? 
  • What do I think Apple management's initial expectations were for iPhone X sales? 
  • Is iPad running out of sales growth momentum? 

This daily update is available for Above Avalon subscribers. To continue reading, click here.

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