How Apple Is Changing, 2Q18 Microsoft Surface Sales, Q&A

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • How Apple Is Changing
  • 2Q18 Microsoft Surface Sales
  • Q&A

We begin today's email with my thoughts on a recent article by Jason Snell for Macworld regarding four ways Apple has thrown out its old playbook. The email then turns to Microsoft earnings, and we look at Microsoft Surface sales. We conclude with an installment of Q&A. I answer the following questions from Above Avalon members:

  • What do I think about a camera for Apple Watch? Do I see this as a priority for Apple?
  • When will macOS be able to run on A series chips? Would Apple move completely over to its own chips for Mac?
  • What happens to iPhone demand if Apple lowers entry-level iPhone pricing to $299 or lower (from the current $349)? 
  • Why were Richard Howarth and Alan Dye removed from Apple’s leadership page?
  • Do I think there is something more to Apple and satellites given my Apple Maps discussion?
  • How do I determine which stories to discuss in these daily emails?

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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