Netflix Increases Subscription Pricing, Apple’s Game Plan for Video, Wall Street’s Ongoing Fascination with Apple M&A

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Netflix Increases Subscription Pricing

  • Apple’s Game Plan for Video

  • Wall Street’s Ongoing Fascination with Apple M&A

We begin today’s email with my thoughts on Netflix raising subscription pricing. The discussion then turns to whether or not Netflix’s pricing move opens the door for Apple and Disney with lower-priced video streaming offerings. We also revisit Apple’s long-term game plan for video. The email concludes with why Wall Street is so fascinated with Apple M&A, especially when Apple revenue growth slows. We also go over why so much of the Apple M&A chatter on Wall Street is off the mark.

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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