Publishers Wary of Apple News+, Jony Ive on AirPods, Apple Continues to Poach Tesla

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Publishers Wary of Apple News+ 

  • Jony Ive on AirPods

  • Apple Continues to Poach Tesla

We begin today’s email with Apple News+ and my thoughts on how the service may impact the publishing industry. The discussion then turns to new comments from Jony Ive regarding why AirPods became a cultural phenomenon after initially being panned by the press. We conclude with a closer look at the newest high-profile Project Titan hire. Apple continues to poach hardware engineering talent from Tesla. We go over what the development means for Apple’s Project Titan.

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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