Finding iPad's Future Role, iPad's Crutch, The Smartphone Design Leader

Today's Above Avalon email includes the following stories: 

  • Finding iPad's Future Role
  • iPad's Crutch
  • The Smartphone Design Leader

We kick off today's email with my thoughts on the iPad's future role. We go over my definition of iPad and what the device actually represents. We look at which Apple product best serves as inspiration for iPad. The discussion then turns to the iPad having a crutch, an item that is elevated in importance to ease the transition for PC users but ultimately serves as a long-term hinderance. The email concludes with a closer look at the argument that Samsung is leading the smartphone industry when it comes to design. We go over my thoughts and observations on the idea and why the definition of design plays a big role in how we view today's smartphone design leaders. 

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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