Christopher Stringer Leaving Apple, Apple Industrial Design Group Changes, Apple Goes Public with GPU Ambition

Today's Above Avalon email includes the following stories: 

  • Christopher Stringer Leaving Apple
  • Apple Industrial Design Group Changes
  • Apple Goes Public with GPU Ambition

We kick off today's email with my thoughts on Christopher Stringer, a long-time Apple industrial designer, leaving Apple. This is a big loss for the company. The discussion then turns to implications resulting from Apple losing two key members of its industrial design group within 12 months of each other. The email concludes with a closer look at Apple notifying Imagination Technologies, supplier of intellectual property and technology for Apple GPUs, that it has been developing its own graphics design for controlling its products. We go over some of the implications found with Apple's growing GPU ambition and things to look for going forward. 

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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