Apple M&A Is Evolving, Ridesharing's Limiting Factor, Thoughts on a Three-Year iPhone Product Cycle

Today's Above Avalon stories: 

  • Apple M&A Is Evolving
  • Ridesharing's Limiting Factor
  • Thoughts on a Three-Year iPhone Product Cycle

We begin today's email by continuing the discussion from yesterday's Above Avalon article, "Apple M&A Is Entering a New Phase." Specifically, we look at how Apple M&A will evolve in the transportation industry. The email then shifts over to Uber signing a new $1 billion deal to finance subprime auto loans. We discuss ridesharing's limiting factor and the implications on a future Apple Car, including financing options for such a product. We conclude with a few of my thoughts on reports that Apple is moving to a three-year iPhone product cycle. 

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