Microsoft's iPad Pro Frustration, Virgin Mobile Becomes First iPhone Exclusive Carrier, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon email includes the following stories: 

  • Microsoft's iPad Pro Frustration
  • Virgin Mobile Becomes First iPhone Exclusive Carrier
  • Thursday Q&A

We kick off today's email with a closer look at why I think Microsoft is becoming increasingly frustrated by the iPad Pro. Microsoft Surface executives continue to publicly comment on how Apple is copying Surface. We go over why this line of thinking makes little sense and why Microsoft keeps saying it. The discussion then turns to news of Virgin Mobile becoming the first carrier to sell just iPhones. We go over my thoughts on the development and what it may mean for Apple. We end the email with the latest installment of member Q&A, and I answer the following questions from Above Avalon members: 

  • Would Apple ever adopt a bundled service model combining Apple Music, streaming TV/movies, iBooks, iCloud Storage, and the iPhone Upgrade Program into a monthly or annual subscription?
  • What do I make of Apple Pencil in light of Scott Forstall's commentary regarding tablet styli?

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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