The Netflix Strategy, Apple vs. Netflix, Thursday Q&A 

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • The Netflix Strategy
  • Apple vs. Netflix
  • Thursday Q&A

Today's email begins with my thoughts on Vulture's (New York Magazine) big profile on Netflix. The discussion then turns to Apple's goal with original video content and whether or not Apple can legitimately compete with Netflix. We conclude with the latest installment of Thursday Q&A. I answer the following questions from Above Avalon subscribers:

  • What is the difference between Apple and Facebook / Google when it comes to product development process? How is Apple creating its products from idea to launch?
  • Do I think autonomous cars are near or is the technology just too risky?
  • What is Apple’s strategy regarding gaming?
  • How does Marzipan fit into my theory regarding Apple’s grand vision? Do all of Apple’s devices essentially become “iOS / UIKit / ARM” devices with differing levels of capability?
  • Do I think the narrative has shifted from counting iPhone sales to issues related to balance sheet items like buybacks, cash allocations, services?
  • If Apple had to make a “big, big acquisition,” what companies would be in your opinion the best candidates according to Apple’s strategy?

This daily update is available for Above Avalon subscribers. To continue reading, click here.

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