Why Apple Even Bothers with Music, Spotify Is Moving the Goalposts, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon stories: 

  • Why Apple Even Bothers with Music
  • Spotify Is Moving the Goalposts
  • Thursday Q&A

We begin today's email by going over one of the common questions that I received this week regarding Apple's music ambitions: "Why should Apple care about owning the music industry?" We discuss how Apple thinks about music and why the company is dedicating resources and time to the endeavor. The email then turns to new Spotify subscriber numbers and evidence that the company is moving the goalposts when it comes to disclosing "paid" subscribers. This has implications when it comes to comparing Apple Music to Spotify. We conclude with Thursday Q&A (questions from Above Avalon members). This week's questions:

  • Why aren't there any Apple Watch leaks?
  • Is Tim Cook being conservative with his claim that Apple Watch sales will trend like iPod with sales centered around the holidays?
  • Do you think Tesla's Autopilot should be recalled given the growing number of incidents?
  • When do you write these daily updates?

These stories are available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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