Warren Buffett Bets Big on Apple, Buying the iPhone Company, Buffett on Apple Share Repurchases

Today's Above Avalon email includes the following stories: 

  • Warren Buffett Bets Big on Apple
  • Buying the iPhone Company
  • Buffett on Apple Share Repurchases

Today's email is focused on Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway becoming the fourth largest Apple shareholder by purchasing an additional 72M Apple shares last month. We begin by going over the timeline of Berkshire Hathaway's Apple share purchase activity, as well as why Buffett is willing to talk now about his Apple purchases. The email then turns to Buffett's motivation for buying a $18B stake in Apple. He doesn't look at Apple as just a technology company. We then look at Buffett's commentary regarding share repurchases and how it relates to Apple's current share repurchase program. The email concludes with my thoughts on Buffett's shockingly simple thesis regarding his Apple investment going forward.   

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