Apple's Growth Narrative, Amazon Considering Buying Movie Theaters, Thursday Q&A

Today's Above Avalon daily update includes the following topics: 

  • Apple's Growth Narrative
  • Amazon Considering Buying Movie Theaters
  • Thursday Q&A

We begin today's email with my recent weekly article, "Apple's Growth Story." In particular, we discuss the big picture regarding Apple's growth narrative over the next few years. The discussion then turns to my thoughts on Amazon considering buying a chain of movie theaters. We conclude with an installment of Q&A. I answer the following questions from Above Avalon members:

  • Now that we saw what the $2.3B funded Magic Leap AR headset is capable of and looks like (bulky size & requires cables with external clip), how sure are you that Apple glasses will be ready within the next 1-2 years?
  • The Mac seems like it’s been given a higher priority at Apple recently. Do you feel it’s still Apple’s Achilles Heel?
  • Do you think “VoiceFirst” and “VoiceCommerce” are well past the hype cycle and heading fast for the trough of disillusionment?
  • Regarding Apple’s project Titan perspective change in the past, and Tesla’s manufacturing challenges, do you think Apple made the right decision to focus on not the car itself but the platform/software aspect of it? What might be a scenario in which Apple’s “carOS” would become crucial for the industry and make Apple “relevant” in the auto industry.

This daily update is available for Above Avalon members. To continue reading, click here.

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